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SCHNEIDER 140CPS12400R 电源模块特价现货



SCHNEIDER 140CPS12400R 电源模块特价现货 SCHNEIDER 140CPS12400R 电源模块特价现货 SCHNEIDER 140CPS12400R 电源模块特价现货 SCHNEIDER 140CPS12400R 电源模块特价现货 (4) 几个自己觉得必须准备的问题:a. Introduce about yourself: 学


SCHNEIDER   140CPS12400R     电源模块特价现货 

SCHNEIDER   140CPS12400R     电源模块特价现货 

SCHNEIDER   140CPS12400R     电源模块特价现货 

SCHNEIDER   140CPS12400R     电源模块特价现货 


(4) 几个自己觉得必须准备的问题:

a. Introduce about yourself: 学历背景+工作经验+近况,外带可以很简单地说自己的strengths,这样可以把面试官带向你准备好的关于自己优点方面的问题,到时他如果追问,你可以把准备好的例子讲出来…….这个问题往往是面试的开头,每个参加面试的人都会准备,但是个人觉得是最需要精心准备的问题。

b. Your Future Career Plan / Your next five years plan: 一般都是三部曲,第一步,成为professional engineer,第二步,成为team leader,希望能领导一个团队,研发新产品,为公司增加效益,第三步,成为business leader,这是长期为之奋斗的目标,这样基本就ok了,下面一段是我在回答BHP Billiton的面试时说的:

First Stage: To be a professional engineer (2 years)

If I’m successful for applying BHP Billiton Graduate Electrical Engineer, I will take part in your 2 year Professional Development Program

--- Learn Professional Knowledge;

--- Gain Work Experience;

--- Work in different fields, eg energy coal, copper, aluminium etc, to familiar with the production of different resources.

--- Understand my company and the business clearly, e,g the value of the company, the culture of the company etc. Also, I have to find out what are the biggest challenges, where are the opportunities for the sustainable development of our company.

At the end of 2-year program, I will find a win-win position, this position will not only benefit the company as much as possible, but also utilize my knowledge and experience and realize my value maximally. In a word, we both need sustainable development.

Second Stage: To be a team leader (3 years)

In the next 3 years, I will work for outstanding achievements, eg, increase company profit, at the same time, I will study some management and leadership knowledge, try to become a team leader

Then, I will work hard for becoming a business leader that means to be a key role of the company, that’s my long term goal.


c. Your Strengths / Weakness? 最新遇到的一个问题值得让大家好好准备,我在NEMMCO的电话面试时被问到:Could you please tell me your strengths and your weakness personally and technically? 等于至少要说四个,就是personally strengths, personally weakness, technically strengths, technically weakness. 特别是说weakness时,其实不太好说,要注意的是说出一个weakness,并说明自己意识到也正在改进,这很重要。我当时说自己的weakness是做什么事都要求Perfect,然后会浪费时间在不重要的事情上,之后我还加上了一些话,说明自己在改进。“Sometimes, thinking too much and to be very cautious and careful are not good. It will waste your time on the thing that was not important. What I am doing now, is to list the tasks and prioritize them according to their importance and urgency. I set a deadline for every task as well. Now, I can complete the tasks on time and with high standards, my time was saved and the efficiency was enhanced.”

140ACI04000.2018.05.31. (2).jpg



①ABB AC800M系列模块,工业机器人零配件DSQCseries, Bailey INFI 90, 800xA, Advant OCS with Master Software, with MOD 300software Advant OCS, Freelance - 过程工业分布式控制系统,Symphony Melody, Satt OCS, Symphony DCI System Six, Harmony/ INFI 90,安全系统


③General electric(通用电气)系列产品 IC693 IC695 IC697 IC698

继电保护SR469开头 SR369开头 SR489开头 SR750开头

IS200/IS215/IS220/IS420/DS200/DS215/VMIVME开头 7750 7807

④Ticonex (英维思)系列产品 3721,3503,4351B,3625,3009

⑤Bently (本特利)3500系列大卡小卡 1900系列电源模块

3500/15 3500/20 3500/22M 3500/42M 3500/25 3500/32 3500/53


⑦ EMERSON /Westinghouse(艾默生美国西屋)系列产品OVATION系统、WDPF系统、MAX0系统备件。

DELTAV德尔塔夫VE3008/CE3008 /SE3008/VE3007/VE3006 SE4006P2

⑧Foxboro(福克斯波罗):I/A Series系统,FBM(现场输入/输出模块)顺序控制、梯形逻辑控制、事故追忆处理、数模转换、输入/输出信号处理、数据通信及处理等 FCP270/FCP280/FBM201...FBM242

⑨Bosch Rexroth(博世力士乐):Indramat,I/O模块,PLC控制器,驱动模块等。

⑩Motorola(摩托):MVME 162、MVME 167、MVME5500、MVME6100等系列。

购买咨询热线:15339537795 (v同号)





地址:安顺市西秀区北街街道虹山湖路42号虹山大酒店(百灵.希尔顿逸林酒店 )幢14层9号


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SCHNEIDER   140CPS12400R     电源模块特价现货 

SCHNEIDER   140CPS12400R     电源模块特价现货 

SCHNEIDER   140CPS12400R     电源模块特价现货 



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