SST 5136-PFB 模块备件 现货
SST 5136-PFB 模块备件 现货
SST 5136-PFB 模块备件 现货
SST 5136-PFB 模块备件 现货
如果罐满时传感器输出 4 mA,则可以在程序中分配一个反映该信息的值。当水箱为空时,传感器将输出高于 4 mA 的值,因为激光将从更远的地方反射。如果空罐的输出值恰好是 10 mA,则可以分配该输出值以显示罐是空的。分配高值和低值后,控制程序现在可以在该范围内的任何位置接收到信号时适当地缩放值。如果传感器输出 7 mA,PLC 将计算出一个值,显示油箱现在是半满的。
如果我们使用前面的一个装有液体的罐的例子,但改变其中一个参数,我们可以更好地理解非线性缩放场景。让我们为场景假设相同的变量,一个用于测量罐中液位的激光距离传感器。当水箱为空时,传感器会按照前面的示例发送 10mA 的输出。当水箱装满时,传感器发送 4mA 的输出。线性示例和此非线性示例之间的区别在于水箱的形状。换句话说,水箱的高度相同,但宽度随高度而变化。我们将假设水箱是圆锥形的,顶部的半径大于水箱的底部。Data Requirements
PdM applies statistical methods to historical data to learn patterns and outcomes that inform the predictive algorithms once operational data is received. There are three characteristics required of the training data:
- It must be relevant to the real operating state of the assets you wish to monitor
- The quantity must be sufficient to allow accurate predictive models to be formed
- The supplied data must have the required quality, i.e., it must have been cleaned and sorted
What this means is that while data is necessary for PdM, it must be of the right quality and quantity to be useful for any meaningful pattern recognition.
Real-World Application
PdM is not a maintenance program in its own right but an asset strategy that forms part of a larger program. In a balanced maintenance program, you can expect individual assets to be operating under maintenance strategies applicable to each asset's criticality, capital cost, and failure rates.
Some assets will be run-to-failure, others will receive preventative or condition-based maintenance, and a small number will be on a predictive program. Normally, the decision to implement predictive maintenance on a particular asset will be guided by the outcome of a failure mode and criticality effects analysis (FMECA).
①ABB AC800M系列模块,工业机器人零配件DSQCseries, Bailey INFI 90, 800xA, Advant OCS with Master Software, with MOD 300software Advant OCS, Freelance - 过程工业分布式控制系统,Symphony Melody, Satt OCS, Symphony DCI System Six, Harmony/ INFI 90,安全系统
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⑦ EMERSON /Westinghouse(艾默生美国西屋)系列产品OVATION系统、WDPF系统、MAX0系统备件。
DELTAV德尔塔夫VE3008/CE3008 /SE3008/VE3007/VE3006 SE4006P2
⑧Foxboro(福克斯波罗):I/A Series系统,FBM(现场输入/输出模块)顺序控制、梯形逻辑控制、事故追忆处理、数模转换、输入/输出信号处理、数据通信及处理等 FCP270/FCP280/FBM201...FBM242
⑨Bosch Rexroth(博世力士乐):Indramat,I/O模块,PLC控制器,驱动模块等。
⑩Motorola(摩托):MVME 162、MVME 167、MVME5500、MVME6100等系列。
购买咨询热线:15339537795 (v同号)
地址:安顺市西秀区北街街道虹山湖路42号虹山大酒店(百灵.希尔顿逸林酒店 )幢14层9号
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SST 5136-PFB 模块备件 现货
SST 5136-PFB 模块备件 现货